How to scale.

Are your coaches scaling your workouts appropriately?

We all know that CrossFit is infinitely scaleable, and that anyone can do it. Most coaches will know how to scale movements to keep you safe, but do your coaches actually know how to scale movements to make you BETTER? First let’s talk about the three main reasons you should scale: you’re recovering from injury, you have a mobility issue with a particular movement, or you need to scale to preserve the intent of the workout. We’ll dissect each reason and give you some example to make it more concrete.

1. You’re recovering from an injury. The example we’ll use it the shoulder, as it’s the most common injury I’ve heard about in CrossFit. 9 times out of 10 it happens to someone who hasn’t been screened for overhead movements, and is told to put a barbell overhead repeatedly and quickly (sounds like a great idea right?).

If you’re at a gym with a coach who isn’t super experienced, they’ll probably scale for you by modifying the movement to you can do a similar version of it in a range of motion that doesn’t cause pain, IE scaling a snatch to a dumbbell snatch or a hang power snatch, etc.

Where a more experienced coach would start, is with an isometric hold to strengthen the joint. This is an especially good tactic with the shoulder, since it’s comprised of a series of smaller muscles that respond very well to isometrics and stability work (IE overhead carries, etc).

After the joint starts to feel better, then the client should move to loaded movements with slower, controlled eccentrics (isotonics). Yes, even in WODs it’s ok to slow down guys!

If we’re scaling to make people BETTER, then wouldn’t we pick the best possible option for that person, rather than simply changing their range of motion so they can do a similar workout to the rest of the class? If you get only one thing out of this post, I hope it’s that just because everyone else is doing the same thing, DOESN’T MEAN THAT YOU HAVE TO.

2. You have a mobility issue and aren’t able to complete the range of motion for a specific movement.

My opinion is that it’s fine to change the requirements for range of motion. If we’re doing deadlifts, and client isn’t able to reach the bar with a flat back due to tight hamstrings, then deadlifting from an elevated surface will still allow them to work their posterior chain, and keep the spine safe. You could also change the movement to a sumo deadlift for example, as the change in stance should take some pressure off the hamstrings and allow for a neutral spine. Coaches; be careful to not get too comfortable here though, we should still be giving clients mobility homework and encouraging them to be able to improve that range of motion.

3. Preserving the intent of a workout.

We’ll use two different examples here. 1 will deal with movements that you aren’t able to execute yet due to strength to body weight issues, IE a pull up. 2 will deal with adjusting the resistance in order to keep moving at a certain pace during the workout, or working a particular muscle group.

Let’s take a workout with pull-ups as our first example. Most coaches would scale pull-ups to banded pull-ups, or jumping pull-ups. While that can be fun to do on occasion, neither of those are good scales for someone who isn’t strong enough in relation to their body weight. Banded and jumping pull-ups just don’t make you stronger (unless you prescribe a tempo for the jumping pull-ups). Check out this article why here.

I can do pull-up skill progressions with a client all day, but that’s not going to help their strength to body weight ratio long term the way that loaded vertical pulling (on a cable machine for example), would help them increase that strength. Now not everyone has a cable machine, but you can get creative with ropes tied to kettlebells over the squat rack, partner assisted pull-ups, or rope pulling a sled on your stomach. Or you could give them more bang for their buck with some horizontal pulls, like ring row, Pendlay row etc.

If the intent of the workout is to entertain the client, then banded kipping pull-ups are the way to go.

Our second example is adjusting the weight, either so that the workout is finished in a given time frame, or that a certain number of reps are finished at a certain percentage relative to a persons max for that lift. It it’s a workout that calls for 50 reps of a 185 deadlift, and your max is 205, you should scale that weight back significantly. For most CrossFit workouts with higher reps I recommend 60ish % of a 1RM. This one is pretty self explanatory, but a surprising number of people overshoot their weight because of ego. Another example of ego getting in the way of progress is the push-up. If the intent of the workout if for you to gain core stability and horizontal pressing strength, are you achieving that by doing push-ups that look like the worm? Don’t be afraid to scale.

Ask your coach what the intent of the workout is next time you’re in the gym if you need to scale. If they answer with some vague answer like “metabolic conditioning”, then get a better coach. Sorry not sorry 🙂


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Hannah Montovani


Hannah is a dedicated movement practitioner and teacher. She believes in helping others help themselves, so they can improve their everyday living, and do more of what makes them feel alive. Hannah is a yoga teacher and certified L1 CrossFit Trainer, and her energetic and informative classes motivate clients to continuously improve – her goal is to help clients learn one new thing in each class, whether it’s a new technique, a better understanding of their body, or a newfound confidence in their abilities.

When she’s not moving, Hannah loves studying nature, the human body and mind, health, nutrition and wellbeing. Hannah was born in Brazil and spent most of her adult life in Australia, and she brings a unique blend of skills and experience to her coaching.


Level 3 Crossfit Instructor (CCFT), OPT (optimal performance training) program design and assessment, Crossfit anatomy course, FMS level 1 (functional movement screening).

Katelyn Warshaw


Katelyn brings over 8 years of CrossFit experience (starting with CrossFit REP in 2015) and a passion for helping people of all ages live their healthiest lives. As a Registered Dietitian and CrossFit L1 Trainer, Katelyn provides a holistic approach to wellness and helping clients achieve their goals.

While CrossFit has been the sport of choice for Katelyn for most of her adult life, she also enjoys running, indoor cycling, and has a background in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Coaching at CrossFit REP is an exciting new adventure and she is eager to share her knowledge with our members”


Level 3 Crossfit Instructor (CCFT), OPT (optimal performance training) program design and assessment, Crossfit anatomy course, FMS level 1 (functional movement screening).

Maryam Ghani


Maryam was introduced to CrossFit in 2015 through a friend and quickly fell in love with the sport. She holds certifications in CrossFit Level 1 and Coaching Fundamentals, equipping her with the knowledge and skills to guide athletes of all levels. Maryam is passionate about helping others push past their limits and achieve their fitness goals.


Level 3 Crossfit Instructor (CCFT), OPT (optimal performance training) program design and assessment, Crossfit anatomy course, FMS level 1 (functional movement screening).

Jennifer Rawls

Head Coach

Jennifer started doing CrossFit workouts in 2016 when her wife needed a partner for a competition. Ever since that first competition, she has been hooked on CrossFit. In 2018, her military unit decided to send her to Master Fitness Trainer school, and that is when she began to love coaching. In 2019, she became CF-Level 1 and began coaching the morning classes at CrossFit Republic, in Republic, Missouri. After one year of coaching around 8 classes a week, she went for her CF-Level 2 and set her sights for becoming a CrossFit Coach (CF-LV4) in the future. She also worked on and became a Certified Personal Trainer through National Council on Strength and Fitness as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach through National Academy of Sports Medicine. She also become a PoundFit Professional (think Zumba with drumsticks) and dabbled in the art of aerials (specifically silks and the lyra).

In 2020, Jennifer and her wife, Tess moved to Austin, TX just before heading out for a deployment to Iraq with her Army Reserves unit in 2021. Three months after returning from the deployment, Jennifer suffered a ruptured aneurysm with led to a subarachnoid hemorrhage. After about 8 months of recovery and trying to show the neurologist that she would, in fact, be an athlete again, she decided it was time to start coaching CrossFit again, the first time since moving to Austin. She joined CrossFit REP in August 2023 and has been coaching there ever since. She coaches the morning classes and is happy to sub in whenever possible.


Level 3 Crossfit Instructor (CCFT), OPT (optimal performance training) program design and assessment, Crossfit anatomy course, FMS level 1 (functional movement screening).

Nick Wyss

Head Coach

With over a decade of CrossFit experience and 6+ years of coaching, I bring a wealth of knowledge and passion to our gym. As a CrossFit Level 2 trainer, I’m committed to helping you achieve your fitness goals safely and effectively.

When I’m not in the gym, you’ll probably find me hanging out with my wife and our three kiddos or at my local church, where I serve as the lead teaching pastor. Life is a gift and fitness is a way to enjoy it to its fullest!


Level 3 Crossfit Instructor (CCFT), OPT (optimal performance training) program design and assessment, Crossfit anatomy course, FMS level 1 (functional movement screening).

Matt Markiewicz


Matt began his journey into fitness playing football and rugby in high school. He truly fell in love with health and wellness after losing 150lbs and becoming a lifelong learner in all things movement. He pursued this love by going on to get his Bachelor’s Degree in Kinesiology from the University of Maryland, College Park. Matt has experience in bodybuilding, powerlifting, athletic performance training, and yoga. He has also worked as a rehab technician in a Physical Therapy Clinic.Matt is excited to share his passion for living a healthy life and fitness with the CrossFit Rep community.


B.S. Kinesiology, University of Maryland, College Park (2016)
NASM Certified Personal Trainer
ACE Certified Health Coach
Functional Range Conditioning Mobility Specialist (FRCms)
Functional Range Assessment (FRA)
200HR Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT 200)
CrossFit Level 1 Trainer

Ross Coskrey

Head Coach

Ross found CrossFit in 2017. After lifelong sports background, CrossFit was the perfect way to fill the competitive void that had been left in his life, and to feel like an athlete again!

Ross has been competing in CrossFit athlete the past few years but after an injury, he now finds himself enjoying just being active and building lifelong friendships through the fantastic community that CrossFit creates, epseically at REP!

Ross earned his Kinesiology degree from Texas State University and has been personal training and coaching for the last 7 years.

Jake Hill

Owner & Coach

Jake found CrossFit in Philadelphia in 2012, and immediately fell in love. He quickly began his internship at CrossFit Love, one of Philadelphia’s most esteemed gyms, and has been coaching for over 5 years now. He has a thirst for knowledge and truth that continues to drive the culture at REP.

Jake is Breakdancer of 15 years (also a Breakdance instructor), and has extensive gymnastics knowledge Jake believes that helping people improve their fitness and quality of life is his life’s work, and is thrilled to be doing so back in his hometown of Austin TX.


Box Programming General Manager
Box Programming Certified Coach
CrossFit Level 2 Trainer
USAW Sports Performance
USAW Advanced Sports Performance
OPEX Assessment, Program Design, Nutrition, Lifestyle Coaching
CPR/AED Certified
StrongFit seminar – Julien Pineau
Freestyle Connection – Carl Paoli
Diploma Culinary Arts – Art Institute
B.A. Communications – Temple University


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$20 Per Class


10603 METRIC BLVD #142, AUSTIN, TX 78758

(512) 886-5505


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